Our advisor gave us an easy packing list the day before we took off for Prague: International Student Identification Card, passport, good shoes, and good moods! With that advice in mind, I loaded my suitcase with those items and then absolutely everything I didn’t need. (I think I packed 5 pairs of pants for a 4-day trip. I need help.) Heavy suitcase in tow, I boarded the tram with my 25 new friends. Upon arrival to the train station, we were greeted by our guides and professors for the weekend trip, Jan and Martin. They passed out our seating arrangements for the two-hour train to Prague. The group was spread out throughout the train cars. Thank goodness we had at least one other UNK student with us in each individual compartment. “Good luck and see you in Prague, hopefully” were his last words to us as he made his way to his train car. I had the pleasure to be paired up with Kelsey. Kelsey has become a fast friend on the trip. Th...